Become an Official Genius Reseller

Earn recurring commission every month when you resell Genius

Why Resell Genius?

Reselling Genius is simple for anyone, especially so if you are already involved in the training industry, speaking with and dealing with people who need Training Management Software.

When you become an official Genius Reseller you earn 20% of the monthly revenue that you generate from subscriptions.. EVERY MONTH recurring.
This means when you sell a monthly subscription of a single user ($270) you earn $54 per month from that one sale.
Now when you consider that our average client is 5 users, you will earn $270 per month, every month recurring commission for that single sale for the lifetime of that customer.
How many of those do you need to achieve financial freedom? and Remember this income is passive.
You sell Genius once and get paid every month.

Resell Genius
Active Users
become a Genius Partner

How to Resell Genius

As an official Genius Reseller we give you access to your own portal which provides you with videos and direct sales materials to help you to resell Genius.

It is your responsibility to Demo and sell Genius to your contacts, then at the point of the client signing up we take over.

We on board the client, perform all the required training and support so you never need to do any further work with the client.

Why Choose Genius

There are hundreds of features and many reasons to choose Genius Training Management Software for your Training Management requirements.
Below are some of our clients reasons for choosing Genius.

Simple To Use

The intuitive Genius user interface is powerful, slick and easy to use.

Cloud Access on All Devices

Genius Training Management Software is cloud based, works on all devices from anywhere in the world.

Regular Free Updates

Genius Training Management Software receives constant free updates adding new features & integrations.
Who Choose Genius Training Management Software

Advanced Stats & KPI

Genius automates reports, advanced statistics and KPI allowing you to plan growth.

Free Training & Support

Genius includes unlimited free training and support for you and your team.

Integrate with your Website

Integrate Genius Training Management Software seamlessly with any website for online bookings and payments.

Fully Secure System

Genius Training Management Software and all platforms are secured by end to end encryption and SSL.

What our Clients Say..

Our clients love Genius so much that 90% of new clients are referred by existing clients.