Analyze & Scale

Analyze advanced statistics and KPI to plan your business scale and growth

Advanced Automated KPI

Genius Training Management Software automatically generates Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Advanced Statistics on all aspects of your business.

Real time Profit / Loss and Break Even is calculated and displayed on each event allowing you to assess the viability of the event and plan accordingly.

Plan, Scale and Grow yoru business
Genius makes it easy to analyze your data
Analyze Customer Statistics
Analyze Customer Lifetime Value

Analyze Customer Value

Genius Training Management Software produces real time statistics for each customer based on their sales history and booking activity.

Analyze the courses that your clients book and analyze when they book training via interactive sales graphs.
Analyze average sales values, total value spent over a specific period and highlight the value spent by each of your contacts with any company.

Use this information to assess who your most valuable clients are, how much they spend, how much discount (if any) to award them and any promotional status you may wish to apply.

Planning Future Growth

Genius produces sales graphs with data from both Genius Training Management Software and from your own website which allows you to analyze sales data over long periods of time.
Analyze average order values and total sales values on a monthly basis allowing you to assess growth and potential for the future.

View booking statistics on courses and venues highlighting your most profitable courses, venues and areas allowing you to plan future events with maximum return on investment.

Plan growth of your business
Strategise based on facts

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Book a Walk Through

Booking a Genius walk though is a great way to understand how our software actually works and how it will impact your business. We chat on the telephone while using screen sharing software as we casually walk you through Genius Training Management Software.
We often use this technique to train our clients and their teams and find it the prefect way to explain Genius without any pressure.

Booking a Walk Through
Booking a walk through is simple, just enter your details into the short form and we will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time.

Book a Walk Through

Work on any Device from Anywhere

Genius is fully responsive so can be used on any web enabled device such as Smart Phone, Tablet, Desktop PC or Laptop.
Remote working is now an integral part of business and Genius is no exception. Genius is cloud based so can be used from anywhere on earth with an Internet connection.

  • Mobile
  • Desktop

Sharing the love..

Our clients love Genius so much that 90% of new clients are referred by existing clients.
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